Trap or salvation?

From Wiki Panic Room
Revision as of 17:59, 21 October 2016 by Nikita tech (Talkcontribs)

You know, our Puppeteer brought a novice! And this time he was too cruel! Do you know why? Our new puppet is very sick! He was poisoned! And he is dying! What can you do in such kind of situation, when there is almost nothing to do, but you can not leave a man dying? How can you help him? Of course, you need a help of your friends. Together you'll manage everything! But do not forget that all Puppeteer's actions are motivated. What actually he wants to find out in our souls? And why do his methods have become so severe?

It is available from the 25th level.


So, take a look at your quest log. There you'll find a new quest "Desire for freedom ". Follow the chain of quests and you'll see a man at the house plan. Click on him and you'll see a new window!

How can you help?

You should find special rusty keys from rats and ravens. But what for?

And, of course, you'll need special new items. Such as compresses, adsorbents, mysterious pills, decoction, panacea. You’ll find them in the rooms of the house. After you've found all pills, take a look at the house plan.

So, here is a new test for you.So , here you need those rusty keys. The sence of this test is a salvation of a poisoned as soon as possible! You can try to mange by yourself, but it is always better to ask you friends for help. Toghether we'll manage everything!

Use pills found in the mansion to save this poor poisoned puppet. Each item has a special effect. Point put an item wit hyour cursor to find out its effects.

Compress - Restores 4 health points every 10 minutes. The effect lasts 2 hours.

Adsorbent - Restores 7 health points every 15 minutes. The effect lasts 4 hours.

Mysterioius pills - Instantly restores 90 health poins.

Decoction - Instantly restores 300 health points.

Panacea - Instantly restores 1000 health points.

Mysterioius pills
Filter for the gas mask

In a new window you'll see a timer which counts your test time and a poisoned man life bar. The more points you have, the bigger you award will be at the end of the test.

Poisoned puppet bar

New quests will lead you to a new room. You'll find it in the backyard. To get into the Cellar, you should have Gas masks. You can get them for comleting a test with a poisoned puppet. Moreover, there are some new collection in our game. Combining items for them you will receive as a reward for poisoned puppet test. All rewards will be in your inventory in puzzles and boxes tab. All the collection items you will find in the Cellar. Good Luck!

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